Work with Patty

Work with Patty Option 2

#1, it’s exciting that you hit this page and you’re looking to work more closely with me.

If you’re here on this page looking to become your own independent fundraising machine, then you landed in the right spot.

Being in business and volunteering for over 25 years has exposed me to many different business models, fundraising techniques and varied events however, quite frankly, there are great specific reasons that I chose to move forward with this platform and here’s why:

→  A Simple Distinctively Different approach to Fundraising that’s FREE to join
→  A No Cost or Fees pre-loaded Website with Popular Products that can Easily be Promoted
→  Leverages your Time with an Automated Efficient and Effective System
  No inventory. Daily pay. Product Drop-shipped for You.
→  Products Everyone Loves with Mass Market Appeal
→  Great Leadership and Support
→  A Stable Publicly Traded Company that has Stood the Test of Time

So... I have no idea if any of those items that were important to me are important to you, but when you’re looking to work with a company it’s important to make sure they are rock solid.

Because I found something that I’m extremely passionate about, I’ve created a refreshing NEW and EXCITING way to fundraise.

Are you are ready to learn a simple no cost approach to raising funds for individuals, groups, and charitable causes? Are you looking for an efficient way to automate fundraising while leveraging your time so you have more time to do what you do best—serve others?

As exciting as it would be to work together, I want to make sure that it’s a good fit for the both of us. I want you to think about this as you explore the possibilities of working together.

I don’t work with everyone simply because it’s an investment of time and like you, I have to be diligent with my time. However here’s an easy way to qualify yourself, ask yourself: “Would I want to work with me?”...if the answer is “ABSOLUTELY”! then I’d be thrilled and would love to meet you.

Here’s who I’m looking for:
  • Someone Coachable and Open-minded
  • Someone that is Passionate and Self-Motived
  • Someone ready to Thrive
  • Someone who has an “Overcomer” Mindset
  • Someone that is Dependable

I have discovered a simple no cost fundraising solution specifically for those who want to leverage their time with a duplicable process to automate and maximize their fundraising success.

Friends Henry Ford Estate

Are you ready to take a look and appreciate the value of a steadfast company with innovative products, a unique no-cost platform and ready to automate while reaping financial benefits and time freedom?

Simply put—we’re looking to work with passionate people ready to take a SERIOUS look at SERVING and HELPING others.

Do You Have My 5 Step Fundraising Plan? If not, grab a copy today!

Text/Call | 734-260-7076 
Facebook Messenger:

You can read my most recent fundraising blog here:

Fundraise for Sports Cheer Dance Ministry, Animal Shelters & more




Work with Patty Klochko